Geomag – Standard Pack 184 Pieces Review

Geomag - Standard Pack 184 Pieces

Construction toy concepts come and go, but beyond LEGOs there are few with staying power. Put Mags on this select list. This set contains just two types of parts: one-inch magnetic sticks, shaped a bit like bones, and half-inch magnetic steel balls the sticks connect to. Neatly clicking the parts together is addictive, and the possible architectural (or just plain whimsical) permutations are endless. This set contains 64 magnetic balls and 120 of the connecting bone-shapes. A word of warning: the packaging is somewhat misleading because it suggests the Mag shafts come in a variety of bright colors. They do–if you buy multiple packs. Each pack is marked on the side with the single color of the Mags it contains. –Richard Farr

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